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Where Has the Time Gone?

November 20, 2020
Where Has the Time Gone?
November 20, 2020
Where Has the Time Gone?
November 20, 2020

Friday Introduction

It's been a while since my last #FridayIntroduction. I'm Carolyn, owner and grower here at Omena Cut Flowers. This past summer marked 22 years in business. I started it when I was pregnant with my youngest son, who will graduate from MSU in May. Where has the time gone?

Despite or maybe because of Covid, we had our best year yet. As Thanksgiving approaches, I am grateful for all who have supported and encouraged me over the last two decades.

People often ask me, “Are you done for the season?” The truth is I am never 'done' until the weather forces me inside. There is always something to do out there.

November's mild weather has been an amazing gift. Yesterday it was sunny and 57--on November 19th! I enjoyed the dry crunch of peony leaves as I cut back and weeded an entire bed, and saw next year's red shoots ready to grow come spring--so hopeful.

Today I cut back pink phlox in the bed next to it, reminding me how landscape fabric has been an absolute workload game changer (see photo.) After this phlox was planted here some three years ago, I literally have done nothing other than weeding the holes and cutting back stems.

After two days of being back on my hands and knees again, I'm stiff and sore. But as every dedicated (and older) gardener knows, that's a gift too.

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