Cozy inside on a relentlessly rainy day.
Yesterday was sunny and 45 degrees, however. So we pulled up the last of the annuals and landscape fabric. Dave was sore after all that rototilling. We spread shredded leaves on these beds as I’ve run out of time and seed for planting winter rye.
These photos were taken out the window from our second floor—I love looking down on the progress made of putting the garden to bed.
I’ve yet to cut back any perennials; preferring to leave them as many of them provide seeds and shelter for the birds.
Leaves are such a gift from nature for improving the structure and microbial health of your soil. Use them if you can.
Two other tasks off the list include washing all of the gardening gloves and spreading Milky Spore.
This fall is third year I’ve applied this natural treatment which somehow kills Japanese beetle larvae. One teaspoon of powder every four feet down each row does the trick. I do believe it has helped to reduce the population of these beetles which have shown up just within the last 4 or 5 years. They can devour leaves of peonies, roses, zinnias very quickly.
And yes, I am a fan of lists! They really do help.