Our proven, field-grown perennials are available in 1-gallon pots for only $7.50 apiece or 4 for $28. Once you purchase 4 pots, every additional pot is just $7 each. All of them are 100% guaranteed. If they do not thrive for you (and I'm quite sure they will) I will replace them. Because my perennials are field grown and most are overwintered, they are very hardy and acclimatized to this area. Below is a list of the varieties that we offer. I dig year round, to ensure a constant supply, often as they go dormant, then overwinter them right here in Leelanau County, so they are solidly established and guaranteed to grow.
In the spring, we do inevitably start to sell out, so to place an order/reserve, send me an email with a list of what you would like to reserve: carolynpfaught@gmail.com. We can set the plants aside and care for them until you are ready to pick them up! (Pay when you pick up.)
Below are some of the perennial plants we grow along with photos and descriptions to give you a better sense of each plant's characteristics. Hover over the photo to learn the name--CLICK ON THE PHOTO to see it bigger and to read a short description. It will also indicate if I am sold out at this time. I will continue to dig perennials throughout the season. Enjoy!
Magenta clusters of flowers on tall sturdy stems. Gorgeous; the last thing to bloom in September. Loves full sun or partial shade; 3 feet tall.
Will be either blue, peach, purple or purple and white--all are gorgeous. In 2022 I actually got my act together and labeled them by color! Generously sized divisions. Late June bloomer; each flower a work of art.
Green-grey foliage in well behaved mounds send up deep blue spikes in June. Great plant for landscaping and also for producing romantic bouquets. 2 feet tall, loves full sun.
Mine are a deep coral pink and spikes are no more than a foot tall. Perfect for the front of the border. The make a beautiful impression and the delicate bells make a striking addition to my mason jar sized bouquets. Mine do great in full sun but they also perform well in partial shade. Leaves are deep green, not purple like some varieties.
This is a great perennial that blooms in sun or part shade and grows 3 to 4 feet tall. Great for the back of the border. Sunny yellow flowers bloom in late July and again in the fall.
UNAVAILABLE IN 2023Also called Tritoma or red hot poker. These plants produce flower spikes that will be either yellow or the soft orange pictured. The flowers produce copious nectar while blooming and may attract sap-suckers such as hummingbirds and New World orioles.
The chartreuse color of the tiny sprays of flowers are great for contrast in the garden. Silvery green leaves are covered in soft down and are beautiful as they catch raindrops and hold them like diamonds in the center of the leaf.
Named so for its soft, fuzzy leaf. Also features lavender spikes that look great with peonies. Great edging plant. Loves full sun.
3 large bulbs per pot, assorted colors of L.A. hybrids. All stunning. Plant any time. July bloomers, 2-2.5 feet tall. Love full sun. A showstopper & easy to grow. Colors available: yellow, orange, creamy white, pink, dark red, peach. Specify color preference when reserving.
Thrives in rich, moist soil or wet, sunny locations. 12" yellow spikes of flowers are set on 24-30" plants. Naturalizes well to provide June and July bloom.
3-4 feet tall; large flower clusters make a big impression with August blooms. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Does well in sun or part shade. A garden workhorse!
3-4 feet tall; large flower clusters make a big impression with August blooms. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Does well in sun or part shade. A garden workhorse!
Mildew resistant, 3-4 feet tall, big, puffy white August blooms, does well in full sun or part shade.
Better known as black-eyed Susans. August bloomer, 2-3 feet tall, does great in full sun or part shade. Prolific spreader.
What a winner. Blooms in September on thick stems with pinkish heads. A fantastic plant for a foundation that looks good from start to finish.
Late June bloomers, 3-4 feet tall, classic daisies on sturdy stems last forever in the garden and in the vase, easy to grow in sun or part shade.
This is a compact plant that features purple flowers on spear-like foliage. Mine does great in full sun and it also performs well in partial shade. Spiderwort can be compared to daylilies, because their blossoms last for just a day, but many buds provide continual color. This is not a cut flower plant, but I like it anyway and have it in the garden because it is pretty. It would do well hiding a foundation or along a driveway.
Tall (4- 5 feet) back of the border plant loves full sun and features button shaped sprays of lemon yellow flowers in August. Prolific spreader.
Long lasting bluish-purple spikey flowers with glossy green foliage. Blooms in sun or partial shade in July, about 3 feet tall. A great addition to any garden and one of my all-time favorites.
Blooms in July with orchid pink flowers. Makes a statement all by itself, or is a nice accent in a bouquet. Does well in full sun or part shade.
Lovely silver-green foliage, bright yellow flowers, compact habit, 2-3 feet tall, blooms late June; long lasting flowers provide constant color for a month or more. Likes full sun; remains beautiful even in the face of drought.
These bloom in June and I make for great bouquet fillers. I also snip the stems for salads. They love full sun and are easy to grow. Also makes a great dried flower.
2-3 large bulbs per pot, assorted colors of L.A. hybrids. All stunning. Plant any time. July bloomers, 2-2.5 feet tall. Love full sun. A showstopper & easy to grow. Colors available: yellow, orange, creamy white, pink, dark red, peach. Specify color preference when reserving.
2-3 large bulbs per pot, assorted colors of L.A. hybrids. All stunning. Plant any time. July bloomers, 2-2.5 feet tall. Love full sun. A showstopper & easy to grow. Colors available: yellow, orange, creamy white, pink, dark red, peach. Specify color preference when reserving.
2-3 large bulbs per pot, assorted colors of L.A. hybrids. All stunning. Plant any time. July bloomers, 2-2.5 feet tall. Love full sun. A showstopper & easy to grow. Colors available: yellow, orange, creamy white, pink, dark red, peach. Specify color preference when reserving.
2-3 large bulbs per pot, assorted colors of L.A. hybrids. All stunning. Plant any time. July bloomers, 2-2.5 feet tall. Love full sun. A showstopper & easy to grow. Colors available: yellow, orange, creamy white, pink, dark red, peach. Specify color preference when reserving.
2-3 large bulbs per pot, assorted colors of L.A. hybrids. All stunning. Plant any time. July bloomers, 2-2.5 feet tall. Love full sun. A showstopper & easy to grow. Colors available: yellow, orange, creamy white, pink, dark red, peach. Specify color preference when reserving.
A great native flower that blooms from July-September. 3 feet high, loves sun or part shade.
Rudbeckia Triloba is amazing! It grows to 5 feet tall--yes, as tall as I am--and puts out dozens of branching black eyed susan flowers. I use the branches to light up bouquets--the color and size of the flower is so pretty. It reseeds every year so I always have lots of it popping up. A great option for the back of your garden, or a against a fence. Easy to grow, disease free and loves full sun or part shade, like all of the rudbeckias.
I love the lemony scent of this herb, which grows to about 2.5 feet tall. I use it as a fragrant and vibrant green filler and often invite upickers to tear off a leaf and breathe in the amazing smell. I do it daily for a moment of Zen.
Blue salvia is one of the earliest perennials to bloom in my garden. I love it's cobalt blue spikes, easy care and well behaved nature. Grows up to 2 feet tall. Likes full sun or partial shade.