Founded in 1998, Omena Cut Flowers is a U-Pick flower farm located about 7 miles north of Suttons Bay on M-22 in Leelanau County. From May through October (or hard frost), we are open daily from dawn 'til dark. The farm is beautiful and overlooks the shores of Grand Traverse Bay. We offer 29 flower beds to pick from, with over 50 varieties of annuals and perennials. In the photo below the season is just getting underway, with over 150 peony bushes ready to bloom. To see lots of photos, including what's blooming today, visit my Facebook page (Omena Cut Flowers) or Instagram (Omena_Cut_Flowers), as I post several photos each week.
In addition to the U-Pick, we offer bouquets-to-go in the cooler behind the garden shed, early June-early October flower subscriptions , dahlia tubers, and potted perennials for sale all season long. We also welcome brides and their friends and families for DIY upick weddings. In 2023, we will be offering a series of classes and tours, from flower arranging to tours of the garden/our home to all about peonies and seed saving/wintersowing classes. Visit our SHOP page to see what's available at the moment to sign up for.